ICYMI: 5 Questions Steve Sisolak Has To Answer About Yesterday’s Bombshell Report

May 17, 2022

In case you missed it, yesterday The Nevada Independent published a bombshell report on Northshore, a Sisolak-backed COVID testing company that failed to detect 96% of COVID cases in its tests. After reading the damning report, it's clear that Steve Sisolak owes Nevadans accountability and transparency, so that the thousands of families affected by his administration’s negligence can finally get some answers.

5 Questions Steve Sisolak Has To Answer About Yesterday’s Bombshell Report

  1. As a political favor to the Palivos family, did your administration pressure the state licensing bureau to rush approval for their unvetted COVID testing company? Do you think that your connections to the Palivos family enabled them to help Northshore skirt regulations that otherwise would have prevented the catastrophic testing problems? 

  2. Do you feel responsible that Northshore, the lab that the state contracted widely, sent 96% of infected people and children back into the community and undoubtedly caused numerous other COVID cases and deaths?

  3. What did you and Peter Palivos talk about when he visited you eight times between January and June of 2018? Did Peter ever offer you advice on state issues? Did Peter ever promote personal businesses to you?

  4. Did anyone in your office vet Northshore or its founders? If so, how did they get the contract? If not, why? When did you and your office become aware of Northshore’s unreliable PCR tests? Did you make any attempts to intervene? 

  5. Will you call for an official investigation into Northshore and their associates Greg and Angelo Palivos? If not, why not? Thousands of Nevada families were affected by this catastrophic failure. When will they get answers from you?

Bottom Line: As a political favor, the Sisolak administration fast-tracked a donor’s COVID-19 company for licensing. Despite unreliable test results, the state continued their work with the company – only to have an investigation reveal that the company missed 96% of COVID cases in its tests. The damage that this company caused is incalculable, and Nevadans deserve answers to these questions from Steve Sisolak. 
